Burn the Boats

Don’t settle. I know what you’re thinking. I know the doubts that occupy your mind. I know the limitations in your belief. I know the thoughts that keep you from ever getting started. I know the reasons you never really give it your all or take risks.

You think it’s impossible.

You think there’s no way you could ever achieve greatness.

You think those types of dreams and that kind of success are only for those in Hollywood or Silicon Valley.

You think being financially successful simply isn’t in the cards for you.

You think working full time until into your 70s is just what everyone has to do.

You think the American dream is limited to maybe a car, hopefully a house, and getting your kids through school. (Oh, and maybe that Disney vacation!)

You think being a game changer in the world is only possible for a select few.

And so, you want to settle. You want to give up. You want to put your true dreams and goals on a shelf somewhere. Or even worse, just throw them away.

I implore you, please don’t! You are better than that; more capable than that; meant for more than that.

Every great success story you read about. Every movie star you follow on social media. Every professional athlete whose jersey you wear. Zuckerberg. Gates. Jobs. Lincoln. Rockefeller. Roosevelt. Ford. Ghandi. Mandela. Thatcher. Tubman. Parks. Mother Teresa. The list goes on and on. All of these people have something in common with you.

At some point in their lives, they experienced bone crushing doubt in their ability to achieve their dreams and goals. Not the every day, mundane goals. The big ones. The world changing ones. The ones that have forever etched their names in history.

What separates them, and what is required of you to have your name spoken among them, is they never settled. No matter the size of the mountain, no matter the odds against you, no matter the struggles, the setbacks, and the failures, you must never settle.

Did you know the word “decide” comes from the latin de- meaning off and caedere meaning to cut? So, to decide to do something, literally means to cut off any other possibility.

“If you want to take the island, burn the boats.”

The origin of this quote is owed to Julius Caesar. When Caesar was on his quest to conquer England, he arrived on the isle of Dover with a large fleet of ships. His men arranged the naval fleet in a way that if they began to lose the battle against the formidable Celts, they could retreat to the ships and escape. Caesar ordered all the ships burned. You can imagine the message this sent to both sides. The decision was clear that they were not leaving this island without conquering the land. It was also clear that they would rather die than go back. The decision resulted in 100% commitment.

You must decide to be relentless in your pursuits. To turn a deaf ear to the naysayers. And move past the mindset of “I can” and into the mindset of “I will.”

Decide not to settle. It’s these decisions that lead to legacies that matter!

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